
Megyn Kelly Interviews Anti-Gay Marriage Clerk Kim Davis

Controversial Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis, talked to Megyn Kelly about her experience in jail and her stand in same sex marriage.

Davis appeared on The Kelly File after being released from her jail sentence, which was caused by her refusal to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, David Ermold and David Moore.

Kelly previously talked to the same-sex couples who said they never wanted Davis to end up in jail. “I didn’t feel good and David was upset, and I was upset. That’s not what we wanted,” Moore said to Kelly. “We don’t want her back in jail, we just want her to do her job.” But it looks like Davis has not wavered her stance even after her time in jail. “Whatever the costs,” Davis said in an interview with Kelly last Wednesday. “If I resign, I lose my voice.”

Davis also told Kelly that after what happened she still stands by her decision and still opposes same sex marriage.

“It’s a fight worth fighting for,” Davis said.

Kelly asked Davis if she’s receiving any support on her decision in which Davis replied, “I guess it just depends what side of the argument you’re on as to whether you treat me good or you treat me bad, or if you think I’m a villain or if you think I’m just someone that God is using.”

Davis was also grilled by Kelly when her marital issues were brought out. Kelly challenged Davis by asking her about the right to judge others when she also is a sinner as pointed out by her critics. Apparently, Davis was married four times (twice to the same man), enjoyed an extramarital affair, and gave birth out of wedlock.

Davis simply replied, “I hadn’t judged anybody.”

“It has been about upholding the word of God and how God defined marriage from the very beginning of time,” David told Kelly.

According to Davis, even if her children would fall in love with same sex, she would never issue a marriage license to them.