
Meghan McCain Sick of Sarah Palin’s Gas

“I am not going to subscribe to Sarah Palin’s $9.95 per month. I got all the Sarah Palin I need for one lifetime.”

Meghan McCain, outspoken daughter of Senator John McCain, called it like she saw it when asked about Sarah Palin’s new “online network.” The former half-term governor of Alaska and silver medal winner in the vice-presidential election of 2008 recently announced that she is launching what fans are loosely calling an “online TV network.”

“I don’t know how this is different than a blog with video posts,” McCain said. “It didn’t look like a video channel. Glenn Beck has the Blaze, which is an actual channel you can turn to on television.”

Funny, that’s what I said.

Meghan McCain has been clear about her disdain for Sarah Palin for a long time now. In her book Dirty, Sexy Politics, she discussed Palin’s effect on the McCain 2008 presidential campaign.

“Katie Couric’s interview with her before the vice presidential debate had been disastrous. Unhappy with her performance, Palin seemed to blame the interview on the campaign. And she continued to blame other poor interviews and snafus on the campaign too,” McCain writes. “Sarah Palin. She was turning out to be somebody who leaves a wake of confusion and chaos — to the point of dizziness — wherever she went.”

McCain has said that she thinks Palin needs to go away and get some schooling in global politics before she steps into politics again.

“I just don’t agree with the moves she’s made since the election. If I was advising her I would have told her to go away, stay silent, read up on everything.”

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