
Meg Ryan: ‘When Harry Met Sally’ Orgasm Scene Parodied by ‘Sesame Street’

Meg Ryan’s most famous scene in a film is her orgasm scene in When Harry Met Sally. She and Billy Crystal are in Katz’s Deli when she shows him how easy it is to fake an orgasm.

Now Sesame Street–yes, you read that correctly–has parodied the famous scene.

Fortunately for all children involved–and their parents, too–they kept it G-rated. Meg Ryan isn’t involved whatsoever.

Meg Ryan has yet to comment on the spoof. Billy Crystal hasn’t chimed in yet either. It might be very interesting to learn what each might have to say about this parody.

In addition to When Harry Met Sally, Meg Ryan is known for film roles in You’ve Got Mail, City of Angels, Sleepless in Seattle, and Proof of Life.

None of these films (nor any of Meg Ryan’s others) were spoofed on Sesame Street.

What’s your take on this Meg Ryan/Billy Crystal parody–by Sesame Street, of all shows?

Do you think there is anything improper about it?

At least Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal fans (and face it–some of them are grandparents by now) can get a few laughs while their children or grandchildren watch a seemingly wholesome show.