
McDonald’s Cuts Angus Burger, Adds Bacon 1/4 Pounder

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McDonald’s announced this week that they will be cutting the Angus burgers from their menu, which are the most expensive items the restaurant serves.

The fast-food giant appears to be trying to keep a good selection as well as low prices, which may set them apart from their biggest competitors, including Wendy’s. They also announced they will be expanding their quarter-pounder line, including an option with bacon. It’s about time!

The company says the Angus burgers just didn’t stand a chance up against their lower-priced sandwiches or the dollar menu.

“When you can get four or five burgers off the Dollar Menu, nobody’s going to buy the Angus burger,” consultant Richard Adams said. “The Dollar Menu has become a real problem for these chains.”

Because of an intense drought last year, the price of beef rose substantially and restaurants had to compensate by offering up more chicken choices. Now, they say, they’re looking to give customers more options while keeping their food affordable in a rough economy.