
Matt Cutts Has Some Halloween Fun

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Matt Cutts posted a video today for Halloween. It’s not a webmaster help video though. It’s a video showing his Halloween costume.

He says this is the product of him asking people on Google+ what he should be. He’s dressed as the stick man from xkcd:

He also does a little singing and dancing.

“A couple quick things: 1) I know the video is cheesy and lo-fi, but that’s what I was going for,” says Cutts on his personal blog. “2) With a little more time and more work on the video (e.g. better lighting, turning off automatic brightness on the video camera, a little more time spent on the greenscreen key) I think it could have been pretty great. But sometimes you run out of time, and October was a busy month.”

In other non-SEO Matt Cutts news, he is also participating in Movember:

Cutts, along with Bing’s Duane Forrester will grow moustaches for the cause.