
Matt Cutts Gives SEO Tip For Disavow Links Tool

Google’s Matt Cutts randomly tweeted a tip about the Disavow Links tool. Don’t delete your old file if you upload a new one because it “confuses folks,” and the last thing you’d want to do is confuse Google if you’re trying to fix problematic links.

Here’s what he said exactly:

The Disavow Links tool has come up in the SEO conversation several times this month. In early March, we heard about Google’s “completely clear” stance on disavowing “irrelevant” links.

Then, a couple weeks ago, Cutts said that you should go ahead and disavow links even if you haven’t been penalized in some cases.

Later still, Google’s John Mueller said that Google doesn’t use data from the tool against the sites whose URLs are being disavowed.

Image via YouTube