
“Matrix” Director: Sex Change, Film Trailer Debuted

“The Matrix” series of movies was a revolution in filmmaking, one that swept theaters and had many, many, many other films either take visual cues from it, pay homage to it, or blatantly steal ideas from it afterward. The choreographed in-air fight scenes that helped make them famous have been used to not-as-great effect in countless movies since, but the core of the story is that it helped to define a certain time period for us.

But while all that was happening, the director of the films–Larry Wochowski–was struggling with an identity crisis which has now been ten years in the making. The 47-year old decided to take a drastic step and make the changes necessary to be a woman, and now, with the debut of a new, extra-long trailer for her new film “Cloud Atlas” comes the debut of her new identity: a punky, dreadlocked woman named Lana.

While Wochowski and her brothers–who teamed up for the new project–are notoriously shy about speaking on camera, they managed to give a little interview to try and set up the “Cloud Atlas” trailer for those who don’t know anything about the plot, which spans over many genres and centuries and tells six separate stories which are all connected. And while the focus is clearly on the film rather than on Lana, one can see how happy she seems to be now.

Take a look at the interview and, below that, the trailer.