
Marijuana: Blood Sugar, Waistline Regulator?

A new study shows that people who had smoked marijuana within the last month had smaller waistlines and lower levels of insulin resistance than those who didn’t have the drug.

“These are preliminary findings,” said Dr. Murray Mittleman, who worked on the study at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. “It looks like there may be some favorable effects on blood sugar control, however a lot more needs to be done to have definitive answers on the risks and potential benefits of marijuana usage.”

While the plant has been used to treat glaucoma and to help chemotherapy patients with nausea, those who conducted the study are quick to point out that it’s not enough to prove anything conclusive when it comes to weight loss or diabetes control…but the results are interesting. It’s thought that regular marijuana use could help regulate the hormone adiponectin, which affects blood sugar levels.

Of course, there are adverse affects that come along with smoking marijuana, too, such as respiratory problems, affects on mental health, and lowered I.Q. levels when used during adolescence.

Medicinal marijuana is now legal in 19 states, plus the District of Columbia.