
Man Fulfills Odd eBay Request for Pics of Wife’s Feet


Today, the internet has one truly disappointed foot fetishist.

Redditor Ferenginar’s wife decided to sell a pair of shoes on eBay, only to be hounded by one potential buyer’s odd requests for photos of her wearing said shoes.

“Would you be able to take a few pictures wearing the shoes (both shoes)…different angles. Send picture to me in message,” asked our curious eBay user. Though the woman ignored the request, it didn’t stop our foot-seeker from trying. They sent the same message, multiple times over the course of the auction period. And they even sent the message days after the auction had ended.

Not wanting to leave the photo hunter unsatisfied, Ferenginar decided to hook them up with the next best thing – photos of his feet inside his wife’s shoes.

“Sorry about the delay,” he wrote. “My wife went out of town after making this listing and you seem like you REALLY want a picture of some feet – so this is the best I can do.”


I doubt that’s what the eBay user had in mind.

“I will update if the individual responds, but I’ve never posted a comment on a porn video, so I’m not optimistic he’ll get back with me,” says Ferenginar.

So far, no response.

Of course, the user could have simply wanted to see the woman’s feet inside the shoes…to see how they looked while actually being worn. Maybe? This is the internet, however, so I’m inclined to subscribe to the foot fetishist theory. When it comes to anonymous eBay requests, I think I’ll just suspect the weirder of any likely explanations until proven otherwise.