
Maine Football Coach Posts Nude Photo of Himself Online, Quits.

A longtime high school football coach in South Paris, Maine resigned Monday, after accidentally posting a nude photo of himself on his Facebook wall, according to the Lewiston Sun Journal. Oxford Hills Comprehensive High football coach Paul Withee was also a math and science teacher at the school, and claims the completely nude image of himself was intended for his girlfriend. The photo in question was allegedly online for roughly ten minutes, where it was seen by a football parent, according to Oxford Hills Superintendent Rick Colpitts. It is unclear if Mr. Withee decided to take the photo down on his own accord, or was prompted to after realizing his special post to his Facebook timeline was public.

Regardless, the image raised concern in regards to Oxford Hill School System’s stance on social networking, which allows teachers to be Facebook friends with students. Though Mr. Withee was not connected to any students on his Facebook profile, an investigation was opened by the district. The investigation was subsequently closed, as soon as the coach resigned.

“I’m embarrassed, I’m ashamed, I’m humiliated,” Withee told the Sun Journal. Paris Police Chief David Verrier states that there were talks with the office of the district attorney, but it was decided that no charges would be filed, as the incident was an accident. Perhaps students will learn a valuable lesson concerning the dangers of posting any sort of nude pictures of oneself on the internet, ever.

A man inside Withee’s Norway home would not answer the door, according to WMTW.