
LinkedIn Search Gets Better on iOS and Android

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Like many social networks and other applications, LinkedIn’s fastest growing sector is mobile. A few months ago, when LinkedIn launched a pretty major mobile redesign, the company said that 27% of their unique visitors come from their mobile apps – up 15% from a year ago. Mobile pageviews have also increased by 250%.

With that in mind, it’s no surprise that LinkedIn is looking for ways to make their mobile experience better. Today, LinkedIn is improving mobile search on both its iOS and Android apps.

Starting today, you can now search, jobs, companies, and groups with the apps. Before, you could only search people. LinkedIn says that this will help users “take advantage of their ‘in between’ mobile moments.”

“You can now search for more than just people on mobile. Find and discover more than 225 million professionals, 3 million Company Pages, 2 million Groups and thousands of job opportunities via the magnifying glass icon at the top of the navigation screen. If you’re meeting someone new at Microsoft, look up that person and the Microsoft Company Page beforehand to see things you have in common. While you’re at it, search for the Microsoft Surface group on LinkedIn to hear what people are saying about the product. And if you end up having a great meeting and loving Microsoft, you may even want to search for jobs at Microsoft,” says LinkedIn’s Tomer Cohen.

April’s big mobile redesign brought a new activity stream that not only is more media-rich, but is also better all pulling in all types of content – updates from connections, news, and influencer posts. LinkedIn also debuted a new navigation page with a customizable menu.

All of this mobile focus doesn’t means that LinkedIn is neglecting their desktop bread and butter, however. In the past couple of months, LinkedIn has added personalized insights to the homepage, given users more analytics into who’s viewing and interacting with their profiles, and allowed users to add photos and presentations directly inside updates.

You can download the updates at the App Store and on Google Play.