
Liam Neeson Shares His Favorite Movie Roles

While Liam Neeson may have rose to fame in movies such as Schindler’s List and other popular biopics, he recently talked about the types of movies he likes to appear in and said that he is ready to focus on more action films.

He also said that he is proud of Schindler’s List and doesn’t think he will appear in another film that affects people the way it did.

“I think I’ve done it with the biopics,” he stated during an interview on The One Show. “I’m playing these action guys now – it’s much more fun. Hollywood is still selling me these action scripts which is amazing – I’m 62 years old.”

“I think when the film came out it profoundly affected Steven Spielberg too,” Liam noted. “Steven had made a lot of films, entertainment films, but when the film came out I think he was profoundly affected by the power of cinema. It really did have an effect on a lot of people and it’s still shown at a lot of schools and colleges.”

While Neeson said that he still enjoys watching the film to this day, there is one part that he doesn’t like to watch.

“It was a night shoot, it was the very last scene of the whole complete shoot,” Liam explained. “I wanted to do it a different way, I didn’t want Schindler to be standing in a crowd of his Jewish friends making the speech. I thought he should be cringing up against the side of a car.
“I can’t look at that scene. I love the film, I think it’s great but that scene I can’t.”

Neeson said that he is looking forward to more action work and is excited to try out some new roles.