
Leonard Nimoy Races, Sings in New Audi Ad

How do we know that the summer movie blockbuster season has begun? The product tie-in ads are beginning to take over television.

This week a new Audi ad pitted Leonard Nimoy against Zachary Quinto. For those not well-versed in popular culture, Nimoy played the character Spock in the original Star Trek series and movies. Quinto now plays Spock in the re-booted J.J. Abrams Star Trek movie franchise.

Though the ad is not explicitly affiliated or branded with Star Trek, there are numerous references to the show during the nearly 3-minute ad. For example, the actors start out playing a virtual version of three-dimensional chess, and at one point Nimoy recreates his famous death scene from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. The music and camera angels employed to show off Quinto’s Audi vehicle are reminiscent of those often used to show off Enterprise ships in Star Trek movies. The ad also perfectly demonstrates why you should never challenge someone who can correctly employ a Vulcan nerve pinch.

Oh, and if you were wondering what bizarre song Nimoy is singing along with during his drive, it’s actually a song Nimoy performed himself in the 60s called “The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins.” The music video for the song is one of the best things to come out of the 60s: