
Lena Dunham Disses Shia LaBouf’s Apology

Lena Dunham, creator of the hit indie TV series on HBO, Girls, publicly dissed actor Shia LaBouf via Twitter recently.

Dunham’s Twitter account displays the writer’s view of LaBouf’s skywritten apology for plagiarism, calling a person who would use skywriters a “sociopath.”

LaBouf recently hired skywriters to create a 5-mile message saying, “I am sorry Daniel Clowes” over Los Angeles.

The 27-year-old actor was recently discovered, and subsequently blasted, for plagiarizing parts of his film HowardCantour.com using inspiration from Daniel Clowes’ graphic novels Justin M. Damiano.

Shia LaBouf wrote a short film in which he used parts of Clowes’ 2007 novels as his own work in the film.

LaBouf responded to Dunham on his own Twitter account, to which she then responded, “Vaguely recognized Shia Labeouf’s latest Twitter apology and realized it was MINE! Touché, Louis Stevens,” referencing LaBouf’s character on Disney’s Even Stevens.

Dunham later elaborated on her earlier post.

Main image courtesy @girlsHBO via Twitter.