
Lena Dunham Apologizes For Molestation Joke

Lena Dunham, the star of HBO’s Girls, recently made an appearance on Saturday Night Live, where she portrayed Eve from the Garden of Eden, appearing nude.

The next day, a Twitter follower addressed Dunham’s tendency to be naked in her performances saying: “You don’t always have to get naked!” Dunham then responded with joke that she took a bit too far. “Please tell that to my uncle, mister,” she replied. “He’s been making me!”

Many of Dunham’s followers found the joke not funny, and very insensitive to sexual abuse victims. Dunham later took to her Twitter account, and in a series of tweets, apologized for the offensive joke.

“I just made and deleted a not so great molestation joke. Sorry guys. I am really sleepy,” she wrote. “SNL has a way bigger audience than our usual cozy girls audience, so I was seeing a rash of very different kinds of twitter rage. But I should know better, and do. Even naked girls get embarrassed. Sleep well and thanks for an amazing weekend.”

Do you think Dunham took the joke too far? Leave your comments below.

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