Lebron James probably isn’t used to being turned down; that whole being a member of the “Dream Team” thing tends to endear people to you. But when you’re dealing with another Olympic athlete, sometimes there are factors that are just out of your control. Like curfew.
Apparently James wanted to get to know swimmer Lauren Perdue a bit better after his team and hers met up before the games; she tweeted about it in what was seemingly a state of shock.
“Lebron James just invited me to dinner…Um wuuuutttt?!?”
She then posted this Instagram photo of the two of them, just hanging out and being awesome Olympians.
Oh heyy Lebron http://t.co/0RHMURTn
“He was kind of joking,” Perdue said. “But he was basically like, ‘Would you like to come eat with me at the dining hall?’ And I said, ‘Um, I’m sorry, I have a curfew.’”
Of course, James is engaged, so I’m sure it was just a friendly request. But rejection still burns, eh Lebron?