
Lauren Conrad: ‘I’m Not a Huge Fan of the Gym’ and ‘I’m No Good At Dieting’

Lauren Conrad‘s recent comments about dieting and exercise may seem like a breath of fresh air to some — or just extremely annoying.

It seems like most stars take an extreme stance when it comes to keeping fit — working out like professional athletes. But for Conrad, when it comes to “shedding for the wedding,” for former The Hills actress keeps it pretty simple.

“I’m not a huge fan of the gym, to be honest,” Conrad told PEOPLE at Wednesday’s Malibu Island Spiced Summer Soirée in Miami. “When I have to go to the gym and put an hour in, I’m just staring at the clock”.

Not only that, the actress is pretty relaxed about what she eats. “I really love food … I’m not good at dieting,” she said. “I try to make smart choices but just eat a little bit less.”

Even without the extreme workout and diet regimen, Conrad still gets moving, California-style.

“I just like getting out, like going on a hike, going on the kayaks, going for a run on the beach,” she said.

Conrad said her usual diet consists of lots of organic salad greens, vegetables and lean protein like turkey, tuna, and beans.

Conrad seems pretty level-headed when it some to body awareness. She recently shared her secrets on loving her body on her blog, laurenconrad.com:

“As women, we all have things that we can be self conscious of. Whether it’s wishing our tummies were a little flatter or our arms were a little more toned (for me it’s the stubborn cellulite on my thighs), there are always those little things we wish we could change about our bodies. My approach to most things in life has always been to accept it or change it. Because of this, I have always used my flaws as motivation to work harder and stay in shape. But as I have grown, I have learned more to love my body for what it is,” said Conrad.

“After all, it’s been good to me. It takes me on afternoon hikes and runs alongside my dogs in the sand. It built me the raised beds in my garden and feels strong when I workout at the gym. And, in exchange, I treat my body the best I can. I stay active and feed it healthy food. I let it rest at night and take vitamins to keep it strong. I love my body the way it is because I have treated it well and continued to exercise and feed it healthy food throughout the years. I am all for body confidence, but I am even more for living a healthy lifestyle.”

The healthy actress does spend an hour of weight-training and treadmill workouts twice a week. On alternate days, Conrad is often found hiking around L.A.’s Runyon Canyon.

The 28-year-old actress also conceded she does enjoy a healthy (albeit sweetened with Truvia) cocktail from time to time.

“Boys never want sugary drinks, but I feel like with these it’s like slipping your little kid broccoli,” she said. “They don’t know you’re giving them a low-calorie beverage.”

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