
Kirk Cameron Gets Trailer Back On Facebook After Spam Fight

Kirk Cameron, former star of “Growing Pains”, has made quite a change in his lifestyle since he played Mike Seaver. He hasn’t acted in several years, and when he made his return to the screen after several television movies, it was in the Christian-themed “Left Behind” films. Now he’s set his sights on evangelism, and has just completed a new documentary called “Unstoppable” which has been hugely touted on Facebook and YouTube.

According to the movie’s Facebook page:

“In UNSTOPPABLE, a brand-new documentary, Kirk takes you on a personal and inspiring journey to better understand the biggest doubt-raiser in faith: Why? Kirk goes back to the beginning—literally—as he investigates the origins of good and evil and how they impact our lives … and our eternities. Reminding us that there is great hope, UNSTOPPABLE creatively asks—and answers—the age-old question: Where is God in the midst of tragedy and suffering?”

According to Facebook and YouTube, “Unstoppable” was becoming just that; fans were reposting links to the preview at an alarming rate, and the sites began to consider them–according to Cameron–“deceptive and spammy”. Cameron began to rally his fans on social network sites and asked them to share his post about being blocked in an effort to be heard.

“Calling all friends of Faith, Family, and Freedom! Facebook has officially “blocked” me and you (and everyone else) from posting any link to my new movie at UnstoppableTheMovieDOTcom, labeling the content as “abusive”, “unsafe”, and “spammy”! I can’t even write the real link here, or Facebook would block this post too!! Try to post it yourself and see! We have been officially shut down by Facebook and unable to get any response from them. This is my most personal film about faith, hope, and love, and about why God allows bad things to happen to good people. What is “abusive” or “unsafe” about that?! Please help us encourage Facebook to unblock our website soon by sharing this post with your friends so more people can see this transparent, faith-building project,” he wrote on July 18th. By July 19th, things were looking up.

“Victory!! Friends, you did it! People tried to stop “Unstoppable” on Facebook, and because millions of us joined together as one voice, Facebook has apologized and and welcomed us back! You all just demonstrated to the press (they are all calling me to talk about your amazing response!) that the communities of faith, hope, and love are, well… unstoppable. Now can you all talk to YouTube?? They have blocked and labeled the Unstoppable trailer as “spam”, “scam”, and “deceptive”! We did it once, we can do it again. Please share this post with all your friends and encourage YouTube to unblock my UnstoppableTheMovie trailer.”

It must have worked, because soon after that Cameron announced that YouTube had unblocked the links to the movie’s preview.

“You did it again!! Because of your firm, loving, and clear voice, not only did Facebook welcome us back, YouTube also removed its block on our Unstoppable movie trailer. We are back online with full access. Thank you!! Fox News, Huffington Post, Entertainment Tonight, ABC, Drudge, and others have heard about your accomplishment and my phone is ringing off the hook to talk with me about how powerful the faith community is to accomplish good things when we put our hearts and minds together. They are listening!!

Now let’s make sure NOTHING stops UNSTOPPABLE from coming to a theater in your town on Sept. 24th. Buy your tickets today. If we sell out all the seats in your neighborhood theater, NOTHING can stop it from playing there. Theaters full of people who love God, even in the midst of tragedy is a powerful witness to EVERYONE that life is stronger than death, good is stronger than evil, and faith is stronger than doubt.”

Cameron–and his views–received some backlash a couple of years ago for comments he made about physicist Stephen Hawking after Hawking was quoted in an interview as saying that heaven is something made-up to appease those who fear what awaits them after they die.

“I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail,” said Hawking. “There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.”

Cameron responded to the interview, saying, “To say anything negative about Stephen Hawking is like bullying a blind man. He has an unfair disadvantage, and that gives him a free pass on some of his absurd ideas. Professor Hawking is heralded as ‘the genius of Britain,’ yet he believes in the scientific impossibility that nothing created everything and that life sprang from non-life. Why should anyone believe Mr. Hawking’s writings if he cannot provide evidence for his unscientific belief that out of nothing, everything came?”