
Kim Novak Fights Back On Facebook

We want our Hollywood actresses to stay young and pretty, but we don’t want them to mar their faces with plastic surgery. It’s a no-win situation that every actress has to face sooner or later: go the natural route and risk losing roles to younger actresses or buy a few years with plastic surgery and risk looking artificial and pulled back.

Kim Novak is no different. The 81-year-old former “blonde Hitchcock beauty” has more or less been out of the spotlight for decades. Then during this year’s Oscar ceremony on March 2, she stepped onstage with Matthew McConaughey, a man like many men, who actually looks better as he ages. The pair were presenters for the award for Best Animated Feature.

Many detractors were not kind to Novak, who was slammed on social media for the apparent face work that she had done.

But now, she’s fighting back. The Vertigo actress says that she’s standing up to “bullies” and released an open letter on Facebook that derided Donald Trump and others for their insensitive remarks.

Here’s a look at Novak’s letter:

This is the Tweet from Trump which Novak referenced:

So why did Novak decide to speak now, almost six weeks after the Oscars? “I realized that I had to stand up not only for myself but for other people that don’t have the courage to do so. I feel like I have a mission.”

The reaction has been mixed on Twitter following Novak’s letter.

What do you think? Was Trump out of line? Was the criticism out of control? Or is Kim Novak ripe for harsh remarks, like everyone else in Hollywood, even if she is 81-years-old?

Image via Wikimedia Commons