Game trailers are the primary vehicle to sell a game for developers and publishers, but it’s not always effective. Can you really trust a trailer to accurately portray a game? Killzone developers Guerilla Games learned this the hard way when it showed a demo of Killzone 2 on the PS3 at E3 2005 that was too good to be true. It turned out the trailer was target footage instead of in-game footage. At E3 2013, Guerilla Games didn’t make that same mistake.
At Sony’s E3 booth, the publisher showed off a 21-minute demo of PS4 launch title Killzone: Shadow Fall. Like Killzone 2 and 3 before it, Shadow Fall will be used to sell the PS3’s visual capabilities. All the visuals in the world won’t mean anything if the game isn’t good though. You can now partially decide that for yourself with this demo:
With the launch of the PS4 and Xbox One, Killzone: Shadow Fall will be duking it out with Battlefield 4 for the title of best looking game. After the E3 demo, it looks like Battlefield 4 has that particular distinction in the bag, at least on the PC. As for PS4, Guerilla might be able to squeeze a bit more power out of the PS4 than DICE.
Either way, both titles are going to look amazing and will set some pretty impressive benchmarks right at the launch of the next-generation.