
Killzone: Shadow Fall Director Shares Details On The PS4 Launch Title

On November 15, the PS4 will launch and kickstart the next generation of gaming. On that day, Killzone: Shadow Fall will be one of the very first games to try and convince gamers that they’re living in the next generation. To that end, Sony has invited the game’s director, Steven Ter Helde, to answer fans’ questions regarding this next chapter in the Killzone universe.

Killzone fans, such as myself, who have thoroughly enjoyed the story told through the last three Killzone games won’t find much from those titles in Shadow Fall. Instead, Ter Helde says that it “is a fresh start for the franchise.” He wants new players to jump into the Killzone universe without having to know any of Helghan’s history, but he says the game will include “nods to earlier Killzone titles.”

Speaking of the single player campaign, Ter Helde reveals that the campaign will “last well over 10 hours for most gamers.” That’s good news for those who chose Killzone: Shadow Fall as their launch title as it ensures that they’ll get some pretty good mileage out of the campaign.

Of course, Killzone: Shadow Fall’s single player campaign is only one part of the title. There’s also a robust multiplayer mode in which Guerilla is investing a lot of time and effort into. For instance, they’re completely changing up the multiplayer game to reward players with levels for completing challenges instead of the standard XP progression seen in most modern shooters. This is because they “felt XP was less about skill and more about time.”

As for other multiplayer details, Ter Helde shares that there will be no split-screen support, and that there will be no campaign co-op. Instead, the game will offer a post-launch co-op horde mode that will be offered as paid DLC.

Ter Helde also confirms that the game will offer dedicated servers to “handle the transfer of data between clients.”

On a final note, Killzone: Shadow Fall has gone gold. In other words, it’s done and the master has been sent off to be pressed onto millions of retail discs.

To learn more, check out the full Q&A session on the PlayStation Blog.

[Image: PlayStation Blog]