
Kids Are Dreaming of an iChristmas

If you’re wondering what to get your kid this holiday season and want to go the electronics route, you probably can’t go wrong with an Apple product.

That’s the takeaway from a recent Nielsen study into the wishlists of children. They looked at kids “interest in buying in the next 6 months” (interest in their parents buying, more like it) and found that iEverything is on their minds.

The top product was the iPad, with 48% expressing interest. That’s up 4% from last year. 36% of kids aged 6-12 expressed interest in the iPod Touch and the iPad mini and another 33% are interested in an iPhone. In fact, Apple products hold 4 out of the top 5 positions in the study – the lone non-Apple product being the Nintendo Wii U with 39% saying that want one in the next 6 months.

Kids want ipads in 2012

When Nielsen looked at older kids (aged 13+), Apple products were still popular – but there was a larger variety in their desires. The iPad still topped that list, with 21% expressing interest. The next three spots were held by any computer, a tablet other than the iPad, and the Wii U. Apple’s iPhone came in fifth with 14% expressing interest.

This marks the second straight year that Nielsen has found an affinity for iProducts among kids. Last year, for kids aged 6-12, the iPad, iPod Touch, and iPhone topped the list.

Apple recently launched a holiday gift guide page and announced that they will once again be holding an online/in-store Black Friday sale.