
KFC Hoax: Little Girl Was Not Kicked Out Of KFC

The story of the three year old girl kicked out of a Jackson, MS KFC due to facial scarring that “disturbed customers” is a hoax according to Rick Maynard, spokesperson for KFC.

“After the alleged incident was reported to us, two investigations took place, including one by an independent investigator. Neither revealed any evidence that the incident occurred, and we consider the investigation closed,” said Maynard.

The alleged incident took place after Victoria Wilcher endured a horrific dog attack and underwent facial surgeries to repair her jaw, eye sockets, and cheekbones.

According to her aunt, β€œShe had a broken upper and lower jaw, broken nose, cheek bones and right eye socket.”

On their way home from the hospital, Victoria and her grandmother Kelly Mullins stopped at KFC where she ordered mashed potatoes and sweet tea for her granddaughter. Mullins claimed they were then approached by a KFC employee and asked to leave because Victoria’s scars were scaring other customers.

The only problem — an investigation of the receipts for the day in question reveal no such order. The surveillance footage reveals no children matching Victoria’s description.

This came to light after the family raised over $100,000 dollars for Victoria’s medical expenses, all donations from sympathetic strangers who fell for the family’s tale of woe. Victoria’s Facebook page (now defunct) collected over 190,000 likes and KFC pledged $30,000 to aid in her reconstructive surgeries. However, during the course of all this goodwill, KFC hired an independent investigator to confirm the incident. The investigation revealed no evidence that little Victoria and Mullins were anywhere near either of the two KFC locations in Jackson that day.

While another Facebook page for Victoria has sprung up called “Victoria’s Victories: HOAX,” demanding that donations be returned, goodwill is winning out despite the fact that Victoria’s family members turned out to be scam artists. KFC has stated they will honor their pledge of $30,000 and the Las Vegas plastic surgeon who pledged to operate on Victoria pro-bono will still be doing so. So it turns out this one is a wash for humanity.

Image via Twitter