
Katy Perry Version of The Sims is Real(ly Pink)

Electronic Arts (EA) announced today that a version of The Sims 3 inspired by pop singer Katy Perry will be released this June. In “The Sims 3 Katy Perry’s Sweet Treats” players will be able to “enhance” their game with “candylicious” items including furniture, clothing, and hairstyles. EA wants you to turn your Sims neighborhoods into “Candyfornia.”

“I’m delighted to bring you more with The Sims 3 Sweet Treats,” said Perry. “I love some of the accessories so much that I am going to get some of them made in real life! It’s one of my small life goals to sit on a banana split couch.”

I must stress that this is not a late April fool’s joke. Apparently, Katy Perry’s version of “The Sims” is a game where everything Sims interact with is made of pink candy or ice cream. Also, aside from collaborating with EA on the absurd candy motif, Perry also recorded a “Sims” version of her song ‘Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)’. The song will be in “Similish,” the official language of “The Sims”. “‘Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)’ is a really fun song to sing along to in any language, so I thought why not in Simlish?” said Perry.

Though obviously aimed at a very young demographic, “The Sims 3 Katy Perry’s Sweet Treats” will still carry “The Sims 3” rating of “T” for Teen. The game is currently avaliable for pre-order at the sims website. Come this summer, you too could be watching your Sims frolic in the “Bonbon Lawn Park” and bask in the “Cake Pleasure Dome.”

This officially concludes the most horrific two days of videogame news I’ve ever witnessed.