
Katie Couric: No Third Season for Talk Show

Katie Couric’s talk show has been cancelled in what the network is calling a mutual decision. Word came Thursday that ABC will continue production of Katie through June of 2014, however at that time her talk show will end. Katie has hosted news or talk shows on all three major television networks in the past couple of decades.

Among Katie’s most famous titles was co-anchor of The TODAY Show. A beloved personality, Couric lent her sincerity and gentle kindness to a world wrought with frightening and often tragic news. She went on be the first woman ever to host the CBS Evening News, and then over to ABC where she presently hosts Katie.

Reuters reports that in 2014 Couric will make yet another monumental move–this time away from TV and on to Internet news, when she joins Yahoo as a global news anchor.

The really is very little remaining that Katie Couric hasn’t already done.

Katie tweeted her staff following confirmation of the show’s cancellation.

There isn’t much that Katie Couric touches that doesn’t leave a profound impact on her viewers. Her work with Yahoo next year will likely yield similar results. And to top it all off, Katie is going places no other top-tiered news personality has ever gone.

Yahoo clearly expects big things in its collaboration with Katie. Certainly her fans do, too.

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