
Kate Hudson On Exes Doping and Botox


Kate Hudson dated Lance Armstrong in 2008 and Alex Rodriguez in 2009. The starlet claims that she was surprised when the two athletes both came clean about using performance enhancing drugs.

“I was as shocked as anyone. But, I personally think that you make the choices you make and you should reap the consequences.”

Does she think people over-reacted to the news of the sports icons’ revelations? Not really.

“People have a right to [feel betrayed],” Hudson said. “Lance and Alex are phenomenal athletes who have made some bad choices and let a lot of people down. It’s a decision they made for themselves and they’ve got to loathe it.”

Yeah, you can’t really count on your ex-girlfriend to have your back in most situations. However, Kate Hudson has her mom’s back, as well as her own, when allegations of plastic surgery fly from the constantly present paparazzi.

”I just look at the paparazzi and mentally cut their heads off. The negativity is just so vast. Will everybody stop being so damned judgmental? If someone wants to go get butt implants, then sure, go get butt implants. The real question is, How do they treat the person next to them? Are they a-holes or are they awesome?”


She also spoke out on the issue of women in Hollywood dabbling in Botox, and didn’t confirm or deny whether she would ever do it herself.

“Why not? Right now, it’s not something I feel I need but I think it’s great that it’s available.” she said. “The other day, my girlfriend called me and said, ‘I’m going to get a little Boty.’ So I think there’s nothing wrong with a little Boty call if you feel you want it.”

She makes a really good point. Does putting so much emphasis on whether someone looks the way they look because they were born that way or not deplete the larger issue?

Why do we care whether someone has enhanced (or totally messed up) their features?

Image via YouTube