
Joss Whedon Endorses Mitt Romney as the Candidate Best Suited to Bring About the Zombie Apocalypse

It’s just over one week until the 2012 Presidential election, which means it’s time for those last minute celebrity endorsements to start rolling in. And Republican candidate Mitt Romney can take pride in the fact that he’s convinced one Hollywood liberal to join the other team.

Well, not really.

From the guy who brought you The Avengers and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, here’s the most sarcastic endorsement you’re likely to see this political season:

The video has already received over 1.1 million views on YouTube in about a day – so it’s pretty hot on the viral charts. Political? Definitely. Funny? Absolutely. Even if your disagree, you have to appreciate the straightforward, matter of fact way Whedon throws his support behind Romney.

Or not. In the end, it is just another Hollywood liberal poking fun at Republicans. What’s new?