
John Travolta Pronounces ‘Idina Menzel’ Correctly on 2015 Oscars Stage

John Travolta got a do-over of sorts at the 2015 Oscars, when he met on stage with Frozen star Idina Menzel–and pronounced her name correctly, Anyone who watched the 2014 Oscars, during which Menzel sang her hit song from Frozen, ‘Let It Go,’ knows John Travolta butchered the pronunciation of her name the first time around.

Oscars host Neil Patrick Harris even made fun of the pronunciation faux pas John Travolta made last year.

“Benedict Cumberbatch is….the name you get when you ask John Travolta to pronounce ‘Ben Affleck,’” he said.

Idina Menzel was then welcomed to the Oscars stage. She followed suit–inviting John Travolta to the stage.

She did so with a grand sense of humor, saying she’d like to introduce her “very dear friend, Glom Gazingo.”

“I deserved that,” he said about both Neil Patrick Harris’s joke and Idina Menzel’s deliberate flub of his name.

Last year, all John Travolta had to say when he took to the stage was, “Please welcome Idina Menzel.”

Instead, he said, “Please welcome.… Adele Dazeem.”

The flub was heard all around the world, and John Travolta was teased mercilessly for months on end. It became a game played by DJs and talk show hosts around the world to ‘Travoltafy’ people’s names.

This year John Travolta handed the reading of the nominees over to Idina Menzel, since he stood a pretty good chance of messing those up, too.

Did you see Idina Menzel and John Travolta at the 2015 Oscars on Sunday? Do you think he made up for his 2014 Oscars mistake?