
John Lennon’s Birthday Celebrated By Google Doodle

Today is the birthday of late singer/songwriter John Lennon. If you go to Google.com, you might notice that there is no doodle today. If you’re under the impression that Google doesn’t care about this Beatle, Google is here to remind you that they posted an animated Doodle honoring Lennon two years ago, celebrating his 70th.

Here you go:

Google had this to say about Lennon in 2010:

There’s a lot that can be said about John Lennon, one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. Even more can be said about the individual experiences people have had growing up with his music. It seems like everyone has a Lennon story. The earliest memory I have of him is listening to his songs in the backseat of our old station wagon with my brothers, watching my mom and dad sing along on the cassette player. It’s a very simple memory, but rich with subtlety—the sunlight through the windshield, my mom’s smile—and so it’s stuck with me. And maybe that’s what John’s music is about. There’s an earnest simplicity to it, yet I’m sure any one of us, regardless of whether or not we were around during his time, could describe some way he has deeply enriched our lives.

The doodle was the first one Google ever animated video doodle. There have been quite a few since.

In Uganda, Google is currently running a doodle celebrating 50 years of the country’s independence.