
Jodi Arias: Can She Fight Death Penalty In Re-Trial?

With the selection of a new jury on Monday, it’s fair to say that the final chapter of the Jodi Arias trial is about to begin.

Arias first came to the attention of Americans when introduced as the prime suspect in the murder of her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander.

It was a brutal crime; Alexander was stabbed a total of 29 times and nearly decapitated. He was also shot directly in the face.

During the five month trial, Arias claimed she was attempting to defend herself.

The jury didn’t feel the level of violence suffered by Alexander justified a defense plea. She was found guilty in May 2013.

When it came to the question of the death penalty, it resulted in a hung jury and the prosecution opting for a retrial with a fresh jury.

These persons will be tasked with doing what the original jury could not—Deciding whether or not the 34-year-old former waitress will be put to death.

Arias originally decided that her best hope at escaping execution was to defend herself during the sentencing phase of her trial. She has since changed her mind, despite writing a lengthy letter to the judge as to why she did not trust her defense attorney.

Arias’s behavior in terms of her defense is just one aspect of her erratic decision-making and bizarre accusations.

At one point Arias reportedly sought a restraining order against television personality Nancy Grace.

Arias’s antics are thought by some to be an attempt to influence the public, from whom her jury will be selected.

This could be true. Regardless of whether or not it is, her behavior may be a key factor in determining whether she lives or dies.

Despite following Arias throughout her 2013 trial, the original jury was still unable to agree as to whether or not Arias should die. This was a jury that was heavily sequestered during her trial.

This new jury will no doubt feature individuals highly familiar with her case, and possibly with opinions as to whether she should live or die already formed.

Said jury consultant Jo-Ellan Dimitrius, “I can assure you they’re going to have at least one person on that panel that has an agenda.”

Dimitrius is convinced that all it will take is “one whack-job” to hang the jury.

Jodi Arias is a highly polarizing figure. Even so, she’ll have to hope that she can somehow convince at least one jury member to spare her life.