
Janelle Monae: Overshadowed by Miley?

Janelle Monae comandeered the SNL studio last night during her debut on the show. Her classy black and white set up was awesome as usual, and she rocked it, singing “Electric Lady” and “Dance Apocalyptic” during the music breaks. What couldn’t be stopped was Miley Cyrus popping into the scene once and again in a skit to remind the world why we can’t stand her.

I guess she doesn’t like a girl with some class overshadowing her grotesque spotlight for one second? Who knows. But, anyway, there was twerking, and gross tongue wagging as usual. Her over-played antics managed to steal Monae’s thunder a little, but not totally. I mean, she moonwalked, for Pete’s sake!

So did Miley’s disgusting antics overshadow the awesomeness that is Janelle Monae?


Image via youtube