
Jack Osbourne Marries, Lies On Twitter About It

Former reality star Jack Osbourne–son of infamous rocker Ozzy–tied the knot in Hawaii earlier this week under the pretense of going on vacation to celebrate mom Sharon’s birthday. He even took to Twitter to try and throw people off and swore his guests to secrecy.

Osbourne and Lisa Stelly, who have a five-month old baby girl together, married on the coast of Kona-Kohala in front of a small group of family and friends on Sunday. The nuptials came as a surprise to some, although Osbourne tweeted in late September about his bachelor party in Vegas.

The 26-year old was recently diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, announcing it over the summer after he lost 60% of his vision in one eye. While his mother was devastated–wondering if there was something she could have done differently when pregnant with him, for instance–his new wife said she thought the diagnosis was almost a good thing.

“Jack will have to change his life for the better – get healthier, not get stressed – so I feel like this could almost be a blessing in disguise”, she said.


