
iPhone 5 Rumor: The Last Steve Jobs Release

It sounds like consumers will get one last contribution from Steve Jobs in terms of new Apple devices, from the sound of it, and that might very well be the iPhone 5.

There’s no question that consumers will continue to benefit from the contributions of Jobs for years to come. His influence will be felt probably for generations, but CNET is reporting that an analyst says the next-generation iPhone – the one after the 4S – “was the last project that Steve Jobs was intimately involved with from concept to final design.”

Of course there’s no telling if the next iPhone will even be called the iPhone 5. As you may recall, it was widely expected that the 4S would be the iPhone 5, but no dice.

According to the analyst quoted by the report, Ashook Kumar of Rodman & Renshaw, the next iPhone will be slimmer and have a larger screen size, but will have the same dimensions as the recently released iPhone 4S. The analyst also expects it to have 4G.

The report also indicates that the design will be completely different. If that’s the case, there may be a bigger chance that the device would actually be called the iPhone 5. The 4S looked so much like the 4 that some might argue the “5” name would’ve been unjustified.

Meanwhile, the rumors about the iPad 3 are already flying around. One would think Jobs would’ve been involved with its design, as it’s been over 7 months since the iPad 2 was revealed, but it’s hard to say. The iPad 3 is expected for early 2012.