
IPad Power Adapter Can be Used as a Bottle Opener

Ladies and gentlemen, @jesselupini and I just discovered you can open beer with an iPad adapter. You’re welcome. http://t.co/Cicu4WyU(image) 12 hours ago via Tweetbot for iOS ·  Reply ·  Retweet ·  Favorite · powered by @socialditto

Learning a new way to open a beer can can lead to a lot of publicity. Take it from Eva Giselle, who posted this tweet last night and is having featured in articles by 9to5mac, OSX Daily, and even BusinessInsider.

We must admit, it is a pretty handy application. Apple hipsters everywhere will be busting it out in front of their friends.

To which they will say “yeah, I saw that on 9to5mac, too.”

Only problem is it might be a little difficult to explain to AppleCare how the prongs were somehow ripped from the device, when it inevitably happens. A cool trick, but not one I would try any time soon. Their are lots of cheaper alternatives.

The best observation comes from Tamas on the OSX comments section. “Everything is a beer opener. If not, you are not thirsty enough.”

The girl who tweeted the tweet is loving the attention she is getting…


And she has an Aperture tattoo…


Marry me?