
iPad App Offers Social Video With Showyou

Online video company Vodpod has introduced a social video app for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch called Showyou.

The Showyou app allows users to see all the videos shared by their friends on Facebook and the people they follow on Twitter. Users can discuss and share videos with their friends without clogging up their Facebook and Twitter feeds.

Let’s Showyou (2) from Showyou on Vimeo.

The company says it developed the Showyou app specifically for the iPad because there was a lack of good apps for finding and sharing videos on the device.

“We felt the iPad, in particular, was an awesome device for watching videos but that there were no good, let alone great, apps for finding and discovering videos on the iPad (or iPhone, or iPod Touch),” the Vodpod blog says.

“Connect your Vodpod account on Showyou, and you’ll see videos from the purposefully-curated you follow on Vodpod alongside videos your friends have shared via Facebook, or that people you follow have shared on Twitter. Showyou gives our Vodpod members a whole new outlet and potential audience for their hand-crafted video channels.”