Your next generation iPad might blow you away with its super high-resolution retina display that many are sure that it will sport – but you might have to sacrifice a little bit of the iPad 2 sleekness in the process.
Well, not too much.
A person who was described as their “most reliable source” by iLounge has said to expect body changes when it comes to the third generation iPad. According to the source, the device will be a little bit thicker, about 0.7mm. The reason for this slight change is the additional light bar that the iPad 3 will host. That additional light bar is needed to support the super high-res display.
This information corroborates talks we heard earlier this month regarding a whole new LED back-light system being planned for the iPad 3. Apparently, the 2048×1536 displays cannot be supported by the current single LED light bar system that’s found in the iPad 2.
The reports said that Apple was given two options by vendors: either they keep the single bar design but add two LED chips to help maintain the brightness of the panels, or they switch to a dual LED light bar system.
Those sources said that Apple was leaning towards option B, and this latest report backs that up.
Last month, reports circulated that manufacturers were having problems producing the retina displays for the iPad 3. The giant leap forward in pixel density is supposedly making manufacturers question their ability to produce in mass quantities.
So in order to get that awesome 2048×1536 retina display, users might have to give up a little bit of thinness. But at 0.7 mm, it’s doubtful that anyone will really be able to notice.