
iOS Users Also Don’t Want To Pay For Anything According To Wind-Up Knight Developer

Game developers are on the forefront of the piracy debate. They have more to lose than any other industry as their game is the only thing keeping them afloat. That’s why it was pretty damning of the Android platform last week when Dead Trigger developer, Madfinger Games, said that piracy forced the Android version to go free-to-play. Another developer doesn’t necessarily agree.

Chris Pruett, developer of Wind-Up Knight, spoke out on Twitter about the problem of piracy on mobile devices. His experience is actually contrary to Madfinger Games in that his games were actually pirated more on iOS and still continue to be pirated more on Apple’s platform.

In the case of Madfinger Games, the iOS version of Dead Trigger is still a paid app. They never released piracy numbers, but they said that the piracy rate on the Android version was “giant.” Dead Trigger is a pretty popular, but it’s also new. Wind-Up Knight has been a popular game for a while and the iOS piracy rate when it was a paid app is pretty staggering.

Pruett’s experience compared to Madfinger Games isn’t meant to start some kind of Android vs. iOS war over piracy rates. It’s different for every developer and every game. You can’t just generalize the piracy problem according to platform because it affects each platform differently. As for solutions, Pruett has some ideas:

On a final note, Pruett mentions that the majority of people who pirate his game are from one geographic location. Can you guess where?