
iOS 6 To Feature Seamless Facebook Integration

A big talking point about iOS 5.0 was the seamless Twitter integration. This led to the speculation that we would see seamless Facebook integration as well. That time is now here with the introduction of iOS 6.0. This update to the operating system will actually feature more iOS to Facebook integration than even Twitter offers.

The Facebook love will feature things like full integration for calendar events, birthdays, as well as contact emails and phone numbers inside your Calendar and Contacts apps. When you choose to share stuff your privacy settings will come into play with a sharing window prompt which will let you share with friends, public, and any other lists you have set up within Facebook.

Also coming is the sweet ability to Tweet or post to your Facebook wall by just pulling down the notification center drop down window. Facebook also has its own API within iOS so developers can integrate Facebook log-in credentials without you having to approve apps each time they ask for permissions which will save us all time and we can avoid having to decrapify our feeds every couple of weeks.

Also Facebook likes have been integrated into the iTunes and App Store so you can finally see what your friends liked. Look for all of these features to go live once iOS 6 is available to download.