
iOS 6 Beta 4 Goes Out To Developers

iOS 6 won’t be out for at least another month and that means Apple is working on the finishing touches to its new mobile operating system. Developers were invited along for the ride back at WWDC so they could start building the next generation of apps that take advantage of all the new features that iOS 6 brings to iOS devices.

Those developers are now in for a treat as Apple has released iOS 6 beta 4 upon the Apple centric developers of the world. The update should be available now as an over-the-air update for those running the previous beta version of iOS 6. If you prefer to update via desktop over USB, Apple’s developer’s Web site also has the newest update.

There’s nothing too noteworthy in the changelog from beta 3 to beta 4 unfortunately. The only major change is that the YouTube app is no longer available on iOS 6 beta 4. Before you freak out over the Apple/Google war going way too far, it’s only a temporary omission. Speaking to The Verge, Apple said that their license to include YouTube in iOS had ended. The YouTube app will no longer ship with iOS, but Google is working on a standalone version that people can download from the App Store.

As for the rest of the update, you can peruse the changelog at your fancy. Besides the omission of the YouTube app, you’ll find plenty of fixes and updates to various apps and functionalities. It seems that Apple really did a number on the Apple TV app with numerous fixes being applied in beta 4. iOS 6 is shaping up to be another great release from Apple, even if it does away with Google’s software in favor of its own. But hey, at least it has built-in Facebook integration.

[h/t: BGR]