
Interactive Vending Machine Wants Your Worship, Best Dance Moves For Free Snacks

electronic devices

Well isn’t this a smart little ad campaign.

Australian company Fantastic is testing just what people will do for free food. In order to promote their “Fantastic Delites” flavored rice snack, they’ve set up an interactive vending machine that tests people’s dedication.

The machine, called the Delite-o-Matic, starts off small by asking snackers to tap a button 100 times. Then it ups the ante, asking them to tap a couple hundred times. Finally, the demented machine makes a poor girl hit the button 5,000 times for a box of crackers.

Eventually, the challenges get a bit more interesting – dancing and idol worship, to be exact. Check it out below:

They’ve also set up an online vending machine that you can interact with for the chance to win prizes.

Although we already know some of the depraved lengths people will go to for a Klondike bar, the Delite-o-Matic promises that this is only the beginning. What could this vending machine ask people to do in the future? I can only imagine the worst…

[via DesignTaxi]