
Instagram’s Numbers Are Impressive (Infographic)

It’s safe to say that one of the most surprising acquisitions of 2012 was Facebook’s $1 billon grab of photo-filtering-sharing network Instagram. Nobody denied that Instagram was popular – it had just seen an enormous swell after finally launching an Android version of the app. It was just…one billion dollars? That valuation floored many an analyst back in April.

Recently, Mark Zuckerberg defended his giant purchase to investors. Basically, Zuckerberg said that Instagram was growing fast and that the metrics had signaled a “tipping point” where future growth was certain.

However you feel about Facebook’s acquisition of Instagram (terrible, short-sided, brilliant, panicky, etc), there’s one thing that’s undeniable. Instagram is pretty huge. Maybe not $1 billion huge, but huge.

This infographic, courtesy of KISSMetrics, shows the photo-sharing company by the numbers. The stats were finalized as of April, where Instagram boasted over 40 million users. Just last week, they passed the 50 million user mark, so you can mentally adjust these figures to show more growth if you’d like.

But some of the numbers are just staggering – 1 billion+ photo uploads, a 1600% growth in their user base in just one year. It’s also amazing to see that $1 billion valuation physical represented beside that of Kodak’s.

Check out the full infographic below:

Instagram by the numbers