
Instagram Tops App Store Following Facebook Purchase

That lead image, a screencap I took about thirty minutes ago, says it all: Instagram is the top free app in the iTunes App Store.

So much for people risking Facebook unfriending due to Instagram over-sharing. So much for iPhone users’ ludicrous whining about Android users getting their own version of Instagram. So much for Instagram users threatening to ditch the app after it was purchased by Facebook. So much for, well, everything, really: people still love the photo app as much as ever and that’s that.

After nearly 76,000 reviews on App Store, Instagram still maintains a solid 5-star rating, the highest possible mark an app can earn. How could over 30 million users be wrong, right?

Over at Android Market Google Play, Instagram is hanging around in the #6 spot. For now. The craze of downloads following the app’s release for Android slowed a bit after the launch. For an app that’s been available for all of six days, though, the fact that it’s already been downloaded five million times is an eye-popping number.

[Via Cult of Mac.]