
Instagram Gets Its First UK Art Show

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People really love their Instagram. The photo sharing app has amassed more than 7 million users in under a year’s time and recently announced that there have been over 150 million photos shared on the network. And I love my Instagram, as I’ve told you guys before – so I thoroughly enjoy when people use the app in fun ways.

A group of Londoners really really love Instagram, and have announced the first art exhibition for Instagram photos – My World Shared.

The exhibit is being organized by Instagramers London (@IGersLondon), a group of folks who love iPhone photography, especially through the various filters of the Instagram app. The group regularly goes on “photowalks” and stages other social events all around the concept of Instagram photography.

@IGersLondon are a city-specialized subgroup of the entire Instagramers community, which boasts a current 141 cities worldwide.

Here’s their explanation on how the idea for the gallery was born –

Earlier this year, a few of Instagrammers who live in and around London organised their first Instameet, a ‘real-life’ meetup for avid Instagram users. Following that first Instameet, helped to grow by Instagramers.com (a worldwide network of avid Instagrammers), many other meetups were organised, where the idea of having an Exhibition was born.

In short, we are a community of passionate Photographers who are bound with a simple idea of sharing the world around us through this iPhone app called Instagram.

The exhibition will take place October 22nd and 23rd at Brick Lane’s East Gallery in London.

Of course, not everyone will be able to make it to the exhibition, but you can participate in the Instagram love through a contest they’ve set up to promote the show. Just submit your Instagram photos and tag @myworldshared and #myworldsharedcontest for a chance to win prizes like t-shirts iPhone tripod & mount, and photo books.

Instagram just released v2.0, an major update that added real-time filtering and more to the app.