
In One Year, U.S. Spotify Users Shared Nearly 28 Million Songs

Just over one year ago, popular European music streaming app Spotify finally launched in the U.S. after much anticipation. In just a few weeks, the service already had 175,000 paid members and another 1.4 million participating in free trial periods.

Of course, we all know what happened next; Facebook and Spotify announced a partnership and Spotify became the most social music app on the web.

As Spotify U.S. celebrates its first birthday, the company has provided a few stats about the last twelve months – all of which are pretty impressive when you think about it. First off, U.S. users have listened to over 13 billion songs.

Spotify’s apps platform has also seen quite a bit of play:

Our free apps help you get more out of music. so far, you’ve spent the equivalent of 2,700 years discovering playlists, lyrics, concerts, and reviews (that’s equal to 23.7 million hours!).

As long as Spotify and Facebook continues to grow their relationship, there’s no reason to think that these figures won’t rise by this time next year. Facebook has already made some changes to artist pages that pushes Spotify use even more. Feature tests suggest that Spotify may find itself displayed even more prominently on the site with a “Share Music” button right next to your status box on the top os users’ news feeds.

Plus, a couple of months ago, Spotify finally launched an app for the iPad.

Check out their year of growth below:

[via The Verge]