
Hulu Fee Test Rumored To Begin Next Month

office tech trends

Sorry, online TV fans, but heavy Hulu users might at last be asked to fork over some money.  A new rumor has indicated that Hulu will begin testing a subscription service next month, and that the monthly fee attached to this service will be a not-inconsiderable $9.95.

Hulu Logo

Dawn C. Chmielewski and Meg James spoke to "people with knowledge of the plans," and reported afterward that the experiment could begin as soon as May 24th.

With regards to the specifics, they then continued, "Under the proposal, Hulu would continue to provide for free the five most recent episodes of shows like Fox’s ‘Glee,’ ABC’s ‘Lost’ or NBC’s ‘Saturday Night Live.’  But viewers who want to see additional episodes would pay $9.95 a month to access a more comprehensive selection, called Hulu Plus . . ."

Reactions to this idea haven’t been too positive so far.  Some people say they have no need to watch anything beyond a show’s five most recent episodes (they just use Hulu to catch the occasional missed installment), and so call the plan pointless.  Others are flat-out opposed to the idea of paying for the content, and would rather go the piracy route.

It’s probably important to note, then, that Hulu turned a profit in the fourth quarter of 2009 and the first quarter of this year, meaning the site shouldn’t be in danger of going out of business if the experiment isn’t successful.