
‘House, M.D.’ Complete Series About To Hit Netflix

On Friday, we posted our weekly list of titles that are coming to Netflix. One that we probably should have highlighted more given the apparently huge interest in the show is House, M.D. A Netflix spokesperson tells it will be available for streaming in the U.S. on April 1st.

As described by Netflix:

This Emmy-winning hospital drama stars Hugh Laurie as the perpetually ornery yet indisputably brilliant Dr. Gregory House, a paradoxical physician who loathes his patients but has a knack for treating the most mysterious afflictions.

Assuming this isn’t an April Fool’s joke (that’s only if Netflix is the one playing the joke), you can expect it to be available on Tuesday. We’re not sure what time it will actually appear, but keep an eye out.

You might also be interested to know that the sixth season of Mad Men just became available as well. You get roughly two weeks to get caught up on that until the new season begins.

See more recently added titles here.

Image via Netflix