
Historical Pirates Previewed in New Assassin’s Creed IV Trailer

Though seemingly every aspect of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag has been previewed, Ubisoft is still coming up with new topics for weekly (or more) trailers for the upcoming game. This week, a handful of the game’s characters take the spotlight – especially the pirates.

Though players will take on the role of fictional Welsh pirate Edward Kenway, there will be many historically-known pirates to interact with in the game. Infamous pirates of the period such as Charles Vane, Benjamin Hornigold, and Calico Jack will be cruising the Caribbean in Black Flag‘s early 18th century setting.

Blackbeard in particular features prominently in Black Flag, serving as a “mentor” for Kenway. As the new trailer shows, the pirates in the game will have out-sized personalities and all have a certain way with words: