
Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Mess with Someone’s Facebook Profile

I’d be willing to bet that the majority of young Facebook users will be able to relate to the overwhelming need for revenge exhibited by the creators of this video. Most of us can remember the last time a “friend” decided to prank us by altering some aspect of our Facebook page.

Whether it’s changing someone’s favorite music to Justin Bieber, childishly switching their “interested in” information, or just posting an embarrassing status – there are plenty of ways to prank someone on Facebook once you’ve gotten access to their account. It’s a trick as old as Facebook itself, and although most of us would lament its immaturity, it’s hard to pass up a chance to mess with your buddies.

Just don’t cross this guy.

Instead of getting his little brother back on the interwebs, this guy decided to go nuclear and transform the offender’s room into a space fit for any Bieber-loving teen. Watch for the priceless reaction when the victim realizes he’s just too lazy to change it all back.

Plus, it’s nice to see that even the Dutch have the same terminology when it comes to screwing with someone’s Facebook profile (fraped).

Check it out below:

[via reddit]