
Here’s What The New AdWords Editor Does

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Google announced the launch of an update to its latest version of AdWords Editor. Version 11.0 was released last year, and now 11.1 is available. You can upgrade here.

The latest update includes full support for labels, upgraded URLs, call-only ads, ads in mobile apps, etc.

With full label support, advertisers can now create, edit, or delete labels using the Labels tab under the Shared library. You can assign or remove labels to and from campaigns, ad groups, keywords, and ads in their respective data views. You’ll also be able to filter views using labels and export/import account changes related to them.

“Earlier this year, we introduced Upgraded URLs to help you save time when managing URL tracking information, reduce how often Google crawls your website, and provide access to new ValueTrack and custom tracking parameters,” says product manager Geoff Menegay. “To help you upgrade to the new system by July 1st, we’ve added support for Upgraded URLs. You can now upgrade your destination URLs using AdWords Editor, and once you’ve upgraded, manage your final URLs and tracking templates at scale. You can learn more about how to upgrade your URLs in our Help Center article.”

The new version of AdWords editor also lets you create and manage call-only ads, which let mobile users call businesses on the phone. Google added this ad option back in February.

“By showing ads in mobile apps, you can reach the growing number of people using mobile devices to play games, listen to music, and stay entertained,” says Menegay. “Under ‘Keywords and targeting,’ you can now choose to show your ads for certain categories of apps, including specific apps (or placements) and mobile app categories, like Games and Shopping.”

Another new capability in AdWords editor is parental status targeting. You can add this factor in addition to gender and age in your demographic targeting across the Google Display Network. Google has also adde support for custom affinity under Audiences.

The update also includes improvements to the search bar, more localization support, and other user interface tweaks.

Images via Google