
Here’s The Hour Long Q&A Panel That Followed Sony’s Gamescom Presser

Sony covered a lot of ground its Gamescom press conference. We got a launch date for the PS4, a look at a bunch of new games coming to the PS4, and even a price drop for the PS Vita. Even with all that, you probably still had some questions for the folks at Sony. That’s where the Q&A session comes in.

After its Gamescom presser, Sony hosted an hour long Q&A session with some of the heavyweights of game development in the PlayStation scene, including David Cage of Quantic Dream, Shuhei Yoshida, head of Sony’s worldwide studios, and some of the indie developers bringing games to the PS4.

Two things of note: The panel begins at the 27 minute mark so you might want to skip to that point if you don’t want to watch a bunch of ads. There’s also a spoiler for The Last of Us at the beginning of the panel so those who haven’t played Naughty Dog’s title will want to skip past it.

Sony assembled a crack team of creators to really sell the PlayStation 4 in this panel. If you aren’t sold on the PS4 just yet, you’ll want to check it out. If you already have one pre-ordered, you’ll still want to check it out.